Saturday 28 August 2010

Putting the Hell in Helliday

Not an official Helliday update, planning on doing a proper entry later.....just sneaking on here as I need to vent! As the title suggests, my kids are truly putting the Hell in Helliday today, god I just want to stand in the middle of a field and SCREAM! Yes I am insane, but they've made me this way!

It was going okay-ish, the end is in sight, nobody has been serious injured either accidentally or otherwise.....but suddenly I've lost the plot. Just over a week to go which isn't too bad, but it honestly feels like these holidays are never going to end. Harvey has been bugging me since 5.45am today, normally it takes a lot for me to get annoyed with him but he's stressing me out. He simply will not leave me alone, I can't get anything done and it's so frustrating. I feel so incredibly guilty about snapping at him as I absolutely adore my little boy, he's so sweet, so loving and best of all he willingly spends time with me! All I get is blind hatred from Darcie and it's wonderful that Harvey and I have such a good relationship. He's fantastic but Jesus is he wearing me out at the moment. I know he's bored, worried about school, and upset by the constant battles with Darcie, I said I hate myself for getting cross with him and making him sad, but I just wish he'd leave me alone for a little while. I keep thinking that when he's at full time school I'll miss him so much and that I should make the most of now, but it's just so hard.

As always Darcie is the main problem. There is just no let up from her moods at the moment, it's like a nightmare. Today I could honestly flush her down the toilet, she's just soooooo impossible. She enjoys staring at me until I look at her, then yelling "what are you staring at?" just an attention thing I know, but so rude. I'm constantly accused of plotting to murder her, suffocating her, strangling her, hating her, it goes on and on. She's so unpleasant it's unreal. I'm screamed at almost every time I walk into my own front room, and she stamps her feet constantly like a bloody demented toddler.

And I'm meant to buy her an X box - NO WAY IN HELL CHILD!!!! And no, you're not getting an iPad for your birthday either, in fact it's increasingly unlikely that you'll survive until your birthday.

Simon has cooked cheese on toast for me so I'll say bye for now, but I'll be back with more ranting soon.........on the positive side I do feel a bit better now.

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